[Proof Complexity] PhD positions in CS at Sapienza, Computer Science, Rome

Nicola Galesi galesi at di.uniroma1.it
Sat Jun 22 11:38:48 CEST 2019

Please, feel free to circulate the following info among interested students:

In the department of Computer Science at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

(https://www.di.uniroma1.it/)  there is a competitive opening for at least
6 granted positions for PhD studentships in  any field of Computer Science.
These are fully paid PhD scholarships for 3 years (subject to annual
evaluation) starting  from October 2019 to be enrolled in the PhD programme
in the department of Computer Science (
https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/COMPUTER-SCIENCE_nD3507_EN.aspx). Teaching is
not required during the 3 years, but it is possible.

 The deadline to apply is July 18. All the details in English  can be found

 at   https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/dottorati-di-ricerca/

 opening the window  "Corsi di dottorato 35° ciclo - bando di concorso

 Candidates must have an equivalent of MS degree preferably in Computer
Science, Mathematics (or affine). A legal English document of the detailed
curriculum studiorum, the final Master thesis, a letter of motivations are
among the mandatory documentation to submit.   The decision about the
admission to the PhD programme and  the scholarship will be taken by a
committee of the Department  around mid of September 2019 usually by a
two-steps evaluation process.  Candidates admitted  to the second step will
be required a short interview with the committee, usually possible on-line.
However the exact details of the selection process will be decided by the

 Candidates with an interest and a provable strong background in Logic and
Complexity Theory who are interested to applying  might (but is not a
necessary condition to apply) preliminarily contact me, by sending an email
at  nicola.galesi at uniroma1.it, with subject: "PhD 2019" to express their
interest to apply.

Sapienza is one of the oldest Italian and worldwide University and is
undergoing a renewed process of internationalisation (

Rome is the capital of Italy and a  culturally vibrant and historical city
of around 3 millions of residents with a very enjoyable weather all year


 Nicola Galesi

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