[Settfa] Seminar, Tuesday 1.08, 10:00

Wieslaw Kubis kubis at math.cas.cz
Sat Jul 29 16:21:24 CEST 2023

Dear all,

Exceptionally we shall have a seminar talk by Jakub Tomaszewski (AGH 
University of Krakow), details are below.

Best regards,


PLACE: IM CAS, Konirna

D & T: 1.08.2023, 10:00 -- 11:30

TITLE: Typicality and Normality on [0,1].

ABSTRACT: During the talk we will further explore the notions of 
typicality and normality of binary expansions of numbers from the [0,1] 
segment. We will focus on the Borel hierarchy of the difference sets as 
well as some properties of these sets. We will address some open 
questions that arose during the work on the subject.

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