[Proof Complexity] Seminar Mon Sep 20 at 14:00 CEST with Or Meir: KRW composition theorems via lifting

Jakob Nordström jakob.nordstrom at cs.lth.se
Tue Sep 14 19:34:46 CEST 2021

Dear all,

This coming Monday September 20 at 14:00 CEST we are having a MIAO video seminar with Or Meir from the University of Haifa titled "KRW composition theorems via lifting". See below for the abstract.

We will meet virtually at https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/61925271827 . Please feel free to share this information with colleagues who you think might be interested. We are also hoping to record the seminar and post on the MIAO Research YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0G2Wfl9-sAKrVLVza7z4A for people who would like to hear the talk but cannot attend.

Most of our seminars consist of two parts: first a 50-55-minute regular talk, and then after a break a ca-1-hour in-depth technical presentation with (hopefully) a lot of interaction. The intention is that the first part of the seminar will give all listeners an overview of some exciting research results, and after the break people who have the time and interest will get an opportunity to really get into the technical details. (However, for those who feel that the first part was enough, it is perfectly fine to just discretely drop out during the break. No questions asked; no excuses needed.)

More information about upcoming video seminars can be found at http://www.jakobnordstrom.se/videoseminars/ . If you do not wish to receive these announcements, or receive several copies of them, please send a message to jakob.nordstrom at cs.lth.se.

Best regards,
Jakob Nordström


Monday Sep 20 at 14:00 CEST
KRW composition theorems via lifting
(Or Meir, University of Haifa)

One of the major open problems in complexity theory is proving super-logarithmic lower bounds on the depth of circuits (i.e., separating P from NC^0). Karchmer, Raz, and Wigderson (Computational Complexity 5(3/4), 1995) suggested approaching this problem by proving that depth complexity behaves "as expected" with respect to composition of functions. They showed that the validity of this conjecture would separate P from NC^0. Several works have made progress toward resolving this conjecture by proving special cases. In particular, these works proved the KRW conjecture for every outer function, but only for few inner functions. Thus, it is an important challenge to prove the KRW conjecture for a wider range of inner functions.

In this work, we extend significantly the range of inner functions that can be handled. First, we consider the monotone version of the KRW conjecture. We prove it for every monotone inner function whose depth complexity can be lower bounded via a query-to-communication lifting theorem. This allows us to handle several new and well-studied functions such as the s-t-connectivity, clique, and generation functions.

In order to carry this progress back to the non-monotone setting,we introduce a new notion of semi-monotone composition, which combines the non-monotone complexity of the outer function with the monotone complexity of the inner function. In this setting, we prove the KRW conjecture for a similar selection of inner functions, but only for a specific choice of the outer function.

Jakob Nordström, Professor
University of Copenhagen and Lund University
Phone: +46 70 742 21 98

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