[Proof Complexity] Proof Complexity Workshop and Summer School
Emil Jerabek
jerabek at math.cas.cz
Tue Apr 18 11:13:49 CEST 2023
Dear colleagues,
Please find below a school announcement and call for papers for a related workshop.
The topics covered might be interesting for PhD students in theoretical computer science, complexity and logic.
I would be grateful for any help in spreading information about this event.
Best regards,
Ilario Bonacina
The Proof Society Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications
13-14 July, 2023 Downtown Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
The workshop is aimed at PhDs and other professionals alike.
We call for contributed papers to be presented during the workshop either in a short talk of about 20 minutes or through a poster presentation.
Submission deadline: May 15;
Author notification: May 29.
Submissions consist of an extended abstract of at most four pages total (including references, acknowledgements, and any possible appendices). Accepted abstracts will be distributed during the event and may be posted, but will not be formally published, so we welcome work published elsewhere. Shortly we shall send out instructions on the format and method of submission.
Topics presented include. but are not limited to
Ordinal analysis
Applied proof theory and proof assistants
Cut elimination
Proof systems
Philosophy of proof theory
Proof theory and the foundations of mathematics
Proof Complexity
Reverse mathematics
SAT solvers
Automated theorem proving
Types and proofs
Albert Atserias
Ilario Bonacina
David Fernández Duque (Chair)
Damiano Fornasiere
Petia Guintchev
Joost J. Joosten (Chair)
Miguel Martins
Tommaso Moraschini
Sofia Santiago
Bahareh Afshari
Albert Atserias
Matthias Baaz
Arnold Beckmann
Lev D. Beklemishev
Ilario Bonacina
David Fernández Duque (Chair)
Balthasar Grabmayr
Rosalie Iemhoff
Joost Joosten (Chair)
Antonina Kolokolova
Cosimo Perini Brogi
Norbert Preining
Sofia Santiago
Andreas Weiermann
The Proof Society Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications is affiliated with the The Proof Society Summer School which will be held just before the workshop from 10-12 July, 2023 Downtown Barcelona
2023 Summer School and Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications | Barcelona Group on Pure and Applied Proof Theory
The event will be organised under the auspicies of The Proof Society whose mission statement is
- To support the research on the notion of “proof” in its broadest sense, through a series of suitable activities;
- To be therefore inclusive in reaching out to all scientific areas which consider “proof” as an object in their studies;
- To enable the community to shape its future by identifying, formulating and communicating its most important goals;
- To actively promote “proof” to increase its visibility and representation in the larger scientific community and society.
This year will be the lustrum edition and the four previous editions are listed below.
For inquiries, please write
David Fernández-Duque <fernandez-duque at ub.edu <mailto:fernandez-duque at ub.edu>>
Joost J. Joosten <jjoosten at ub.edu <mailto:jjoosten at ub.edu>>
or any other member of the Organising Committee.
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