[Proof Complexity] QBF 2022 -- 2nd CFP
hubie.chen at ehu.eus
Tue Apr 26 08:23:52 CEST 2022
QBF 2022
International Workshop on
Quantified Boolean Formulas and Beyond
August 1, 2022
To be held in hybrid format (virtually + in-person).
Affiliated to and co-located with:
Int. Conf. on Theory and Applications
of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2022),
August 2-5, 2022.
Quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) are an extension of propositional
logic which allows for explicit quantification over propositional
variables. The decision problem of QBF is PSPACE-complete, compared to
the NP-completeness of the decision problem of propositional logic (SAT).
Many problems from application domains such as model checking, formal
verification or synthesis are PSPACE-complete, and hence could be
encoded in QBF in a natural way. Considerable progress has been made
in QBF solving throughout the past years. However, in contrast to SAT,
QBF is not yet widely applied to practical problems in academic or
industrial settings. For example, the extraction and validation of
models of (un)satisfiability of QBFs has turned out to be
challenging, given that state-of-the-art solvers implement different
solving paradigms.
The goal of the International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas
(QBF Workshop) is to bring together researchers working on theoretical
and practical aspects of QBF solving. In addition to that, it
addresses (potential) users of QBF in order to reflect on the
state-of-the-art and to consolidate on immediate and long-term
research challenges.
The workshop also welcomes work on reasoning with quantifiers in
related problems, such as dependency QBF (DQBF), quantified constraint
satisfaction problems (QCSP), and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT)
with quantifiers.
May 1: Submission
June 5: Notification of acceptance
June 19: Final versions of accepted papers due
August 1: Workshop
Please see the workshop webpage for any updates:
The workshop is concerned with all aspects of current research on all
formalisms enriched by quantifiers, and in particular QBF. The topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
Applications, encodings and benchmarks with quantifiers
QBF Proof theory and complexity results
Experimental evaluations of solvers or related tools
Case studies illustrating the power of quantifiers
Certificates and proofs for QBF, QCSP, SMT with quantifiers, etc.
Formats of proofs and certificates
Implementations of proof checkers and verifiers
Decision procedures
Calculi and their relationships
Data structures, implementation details and heuristics
Pre- and inprocessing techniques
Structural reasoning
Submissions of extended abstracts are invited and will be managed via
In particular, we invite the submission of extended abstracts on work
that has been published already, novel unpublished work, or work in
The following forms of submissions are solicited:
- Proposals for short tutorial presentations on topics related to the
workshop. Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the PC. The number
of accepted tutorials depends on the overall number of accepted
papers and talks, with the aim to set up a balanced workshop
- Talk abstracts reporting on already published work. Such an abstract
should include an outline of the planned talk, and pointers to
relevant bibliography.
- Talk proposals presenting work that is unpublished or in progress.
- Submissions which describe novel applications of QBF or related
formalisms in various domains are particularly welcome.
Additionally, this call comprises known applications which have been
shown to be hard for QBF solvers in the past as well as new
applications for which present QBF solvers might lack certain
features still to be identified.
Each submission should have an overall length of 1-4 pages in LNCS
format. Authors may decide to include an appendix with additional
material. Appendices will be considered at the reviewers' discretion.
The accepted extended abstracts will be published on the workshop
webpage. The workshop does not have formal proceedings.
Authors of accepted contributions are expected to give a talk at the
qbf2022 at easychair.org
Hubie Chen, Birkbeck, University of London
Florian Lonsing, Stanford University
Martina Seidl, JKU Linz
Friedrich Slivovsky, TU Wien
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