[Proof Complexity] Short-Term Programming Internship - Algorithms Group - University of Bergen - Norway - Soft Deadline: 15 October

Mateus de Oliveira Oliveira mateus.oliveira at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 07:31:22 CEST 2019

*Call: *

Applications for a short-term programming internship at the University of
Bergen are sought.
The internship will happen in the context of the project

"Automated Theorem Proving from the Mindset of Parameterized Complexity

The internship is open for students enrolled in a Master's or Ph.D. program
in computer
science, anywhere on earth.

Prospective applicants should have excellent programming skills in C++ and
an excellent
background in algorithms. Proficiency in automata theory is a great

*Main activity:*

The main activity will be the implementation of new parameterized
algorithms in the
field of automata theory. The language of use is C++.

Depending on your interests, you may also choose to be involved in the
process of writing
research papers related to the topics of the internship. Applicants with
interest in writing scientific work
will be given preference.

*Requirements: *

1)  You need to be enrolled in a Master's or Ph.D. program in computer
science (anywhere on earth).
2)  Excellent programming skills in C++
3)  Excellent background in algorithms.
4)  Proficiency in Automata theory is an advantage.
5)  The ability to work independently and in a structured manner is a
strong requirement.

*Financial support: *

We will reimburse expenses with the following:

1) return flight/train tickets between your location and Bergen.
2) accommodation.

Note: Travel arrangements and search for accommodation should be done by
the student. The reimbursement of expenses only occurs at the end of
the internship.


The ideal duration of the internship is 1 month. Slightly longer stays are
also possible.

*Starting-Finishing Dates: *

Flexible. Two ideal periods are specified below. But feel free to suggest
other dates, if the
suggested ones do not work for you.

18/Nov - 20 December.
13/Jan - 07 February.
Later dates.

*Application:  *

If the internship described above sounds interesting to you,
please send the following information,* in a single PDF file*, to
mateus.oliveira at uib.no . Please write INTERNSHIP in the subject

1) A short application letter. At most one page.
2) Your CV.
3) Your Grades.
4) Specification of your level of expertise in C++.
5) Specification of your level of expertise in Algorithms.
6) Specification of your level of expertise in Automata Theory.
7) Estimated starting-finishing dates.
8) A cost estimate, including the cost for a return ticket between your
location and Bergen, and the cost for 1 month of accommodation in Bergen.

*Deadline: *

We will start to review applications on 15 October. But applications will
be accepted
on a continuous base until the internship positions are filled.

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