[Proof Complexity] new paper
Moritz Müller
moritz.mueller at univie.ac.at
Mon Oct 17 15:30:54 CEST 2016
Dear all,
a new paper titled "Cobham recursive set functions and weak set
theories" by A. Beckmann, S. Buss, S.-D. Friedman, N. Thapen and myself
is available here:
Please find an (email friendly version of) the abstract below.
Of course, all comments are appreciated,
The Cobham recursive set functions (CRSF) provide a notion of polynomial
time computation over general sets. In this paper, we determine a
subtheory of Kripke-Platek set theory whose Sigma_1-definable functions
are precisely CRSF. This theory is based on the epsilon-induction scheme
for Sigma_1-formulas whose leading existential quantifier satisfies
certain boundedness and uniqueness conditions. Dropping the uniqueness
condition and adding the axiom of global choice results in a theory
whose Sigma_1-definable functions are CRSF relative to a global choice
function. We further show that the addition of global choice is
conservative over certain local choice principles.
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