[Proof Complexity] PhD positions in theoretical computer science at Lund University

Susanna Rezende susanna.rezende at cs.lth.se
Wed Jan 11 10:54:39 CET 2023

Dear all,

There are 1-2 open PhD positions in theoretical computer science with focus on complexity theory at the CS department at Lund University. These are four-year (extendible to five if 20% teaching included) full-time employed positions that come with an internationally competitive salary. The starting date is negotiable but should ideally be during the autumn of 2023.

More information can be found at https://derezende.github.io/openpositions/PhD.html

The application deadline is February 20, 2023. Informal enquiries are most welcome and can be sent to susanna.rezende at cs.lth.se .

I would greatly appreciate any help in spreading the information to potential candidates.

Best wishes,

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