[Proof Complexity] Postdoc positions in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization in Copenhagen

Jakob Nordström jakob.nordstrom at cs.lth.se
Wed May 11 20:44:57 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

I would be most grateful for any assistance in spreading the information below regarding postdoc positions in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization at the University of Copenhagen. In particular, we will be happy to receive applications from strong candidates interested in proof complexity.

Best regards,
Jakob Nordstrom


The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for postdoc positions in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.

We are looking for outstanding junior researchers with an innovative mind-set and intellectual curiosity to strengthen and complement the research profile of the Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) group headed by Jakob Nordstrom (www.jakobnordstrom.se), which is active at both the University of Copenhagen and Lund University on either side of the Oresund Bridge.

The MIAO research group has a unique profile in that we are doing cutting-edge research both on the mathematical foundations of efficient computation and on state-of-the-art practical algorithms for real-world problems. This creates a very special environment, where we do not only conduct in-depth research on different theoretical and applied topics, but where different lines of research cross-fertilise each other and unexpected and exciting synergies often arise. Much of the activities of the group revolve around powerful algorithmic paradigms such as, e.g., Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving, Groebner basis computations, integer linear programming, and constraint programming. This leads to classical questions in computational complexity theory—though often with new, fascinating twists—but also involves work on devising clever algorithms that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice.

We are fortunate to be part of the Algorithms and Complexity Section at DIKU, which is world-leading in algorithms and complexity theory (currently ranked 6th worldwide by CSrankings.org). DIKU hosts the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) centre joint with the IT University of Copenhagen, and we also have extensive collaborations with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and with Lund University on the Swedish side of the Oresund Bridge, as well as with our many visitors. We aim to attract top talent from around the world to an ambitious, creative, collaborative, and fun environment. Using the power of mathematics, we strive to create fundamental breakthroughs in algorithms and complexity theory. While the focus in on foundational research, we do have a track record of surprising algorithmic discoveries leading to major industrial applications.

These postdoc positions are full-time research positions for a duration of two years. Teaching of advanced courses is encouraged but not required. Travel funding is included, and we also expect to start receiving visitors again on a regular basis as the pandemic situation is now improving. The starting date would ideally be in not-too-late autumn 2022 but is flexible.

The University of Copenhagen is currently expanding strongly in computer science. We expect to have tenure-track openings in in the coming years, and welcome postdoctoral researchers interested in exploring such opportunities.

The application deadline is June 29, 2022. See http://www.jakobnordstrom.se/openings/Postdoc-UCPH-220629.html for the full announcement with more information and instructions for how to apply. Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to jn at di.ku.dk.

Jakob Nordström, Professor
University of Copenhagen and Lund University
Phone: +46 70 742 21 98

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