[Proof Complexity] Postdoc and PhD positions in TCS at University of Copenhagen

Jakob Nordström jakobn at kth.se
Sat Dec 21 00:13:58 CET 2019

Dear colleagues,

I would be most grateful for any assistance in spreading the information below regarding postdoc and PhD openings at the University of Copenhagen in TCS (very much including proof complexity).

Best regards

Jakob Nordstrom


The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for postdoc and PhD positions in theoretical computer science.

The University of Copenhagen is the oldest and largest university in Denmark, and is often ranked as the best university in Scandinavia (and consistently as one of the top places in Europe). The Algorithms and Complexity Section at the Department of Computer Science (DIKU) is part of an exciting environment including the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) centre (https://barc.ku.dk/), joint with the IT University of Copenhagen, and extensive collaborations with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Lund University on the Swedish side of the Oresund bridge. We aim to attract top talent from around the world to an ambitious, creative, collaborative, and fun environment. Using the power of mathematics, we strive to create fundamental breakthroughs in algorithms and complexity theory.

The postdocs and PhD students will be working in the research group of Jakob Nordstrom (http://www.csc.kth.se/~jakobn/), which is currently in transition from KTH to a combined location at the University of Copenhagen and Lund University on either side of the Oresund bridge.

Much of the research in the group revolves about gaining a better theoretical understanding of powerful algorithmic paradigms such as, e.g., SAT solving, Groebner basis computations, integer linear programming, and/or semidefinite programming. This leads to classic questions in computational complexity theory - though often with new, interesting twists - but can also involve work on designing new algorithms that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice. Our research has revealed deep, and sometimes surprising, connections to other topics such as, e.g., circuit complexity, communication complexity, and hardness of approximation, and therefore candidates interested in these or other related areas are more than welcome to apply.

The application deadline is February 10, 2020. See http://www.csc.kth.se/~jakobn/openings/Postdoc-TCS-DIKU-200210.php and http://www.csc.kth.se/~jakobn/openings/PhD-TCS-DIKU-200210.php for the full announcements with more information and instructions for how to apply. Informal enquiries are welcome and may be sent to jn at di.ku.dk or jakob.nordstrom at cs.lth.se.

Jakob Nordström, Associate Professor

University of Copenhagen and KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Phone: +46 70 742 21 98


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