[Proof Complexity] FLoC workshop on proof complexity - Call for Participation

Olaf Beyersdorff O.Beyersdorff at leeds.ac.uk
Tue May 29 12:23:03 CEST 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below details on the upcoming workshop on proof complexity in Oxford. Early registration ends on 6 June.

We would be pleased to welcome you there. Please also encourage your students, postdocs and colleagues to attend.

Best wishes

FLoC workshop on proof complexity - Call for Participation

Oxford, 7-8 July 2018

The workshop will be part of FLoC and will be affiliated with the conferences SAT'18 and LICS'18.

=== Important Dates ===
  6 June 2018 ....... Early Registration Deadline
7-8 July 2018 ....... Workshop in Oxford

=== Invited Speakers ===

Christoph Berkholz (Humboldt University Berlin)
Samuel R. Buss (University of California, San Diego)
Nicola Galesi (Sapienza University Rome)
Meena Mahajan (IMSc Chennai)

=== Registration ===

Registration is via http://www.floc2018.org/register/
Please register for the Workshop Passes on 7/8 July.
There will also be a Pre-FLoC Workshop Dinner at Balliol College on 7 July.

=== Scope ===

Proof complexity is the study of the complexity of theorem proving procedures. The central question in proof complexity is: given a theorem F (e.g. a propositional tautology) and a proof system P (i.e., a formalism usually comprised of axioms and rules), what is the size of the smallest proof of F in the system P?  Moreover, how difficult is it to construct a small proof? Many ingenious techniques have been developed to try to answer these questions, which bare tight relations to intricate theoretical open problems from computational complexity (such as the celebrated P vs. NP problem), mathematical logic (e.g. separating theories of Bounded Arithmetic) as well as to practical problems in SAT/QBF solving.

There will be a joint session with the Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas and Beyond.

=== Organizers ===

Olaf Beyersdorff (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Leroy Chew (University of Leeds)
Jan Johannsen (LMU Munich) 

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