[Proof Complexity] JAF 37 - Villa Finaly (Florence, Italy) - Second announcement

thapen thapen at math.cas.cz
Wed Feb 7 20:08:27 CET 2018

Forwarded from Patrick Cegielski -

Dear all,

The International meeting  "37th Days of Weak Arithmetics” JAF 37 
(Journées sur les Arithmétiques Faibles) will held

May 28-30, 2018

at Florence, Italy


For a detailed description of what are "Weak Arithmetics" visit


The meeting will cover traditional topics of the "Days" such as:
Provability in weak arithmetics
Definability in weak arithmetics
Weak arithmetics and model theory
Decidability/undecidability of weak logical theories
Modeling computations in the frameworks of weak arithmetics

SUBMISSION of papers:

See joint file for details


Please visit


and fill up registration file.

Registration is open. Participants at the conference should be aware the 
first 30 registered persons will benefit of support for lunches and 
special dinner.
Villa Finaly has 25 bedrooms (70/100 euros for standard ones, 90/135 
euros for historical ones), booking in the order of registration.

PLACE of the meeting

The "37th DAYS" will be held at the Villa Finaly (Universita di Parigi, 
50139 Firenze. Via Bolognese, 134 R).

Best regards,

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