[Proof Complexity] Complexity Workshops - St Petersburg/Moscow - US Student Travel Support

Sam Buss sbuss at ucsd.edu
Wed Dec 16 19:02:22 CET 2015

St Petersburg/Moscow Workshops in Complexity
Call for Applications for US Student Travel Support

We anticipate receiving NSF travel support available for US Ph.D. students
to attend the following tutorial and workshops and the associated Special
Semester on Complexity in St. Petersburg, Russia (April 2016-June 2016).
Travel awards may include airfare, lodging and local expenses.

Workshop on Algorithms in Communication Complexity, Property Testing and
   Combinatorics, Moscow, April 9-13, 2016.
Workshop on Proof Complexity, St. Petersburg, May 15-20, 2016.
Workshop on Low-Depth Complexity, St. Petersburg, May 21-25, 2016.

For more information, see http://en.chebyshev.spb.ru/complexity2016/ and

Eligibility: PhD students at US institutions; US students at any
Applications from members of underrepresented groups are encouraged.

Application deadline: January 11, 2016.

Application procedure:  Please apply by email to Sam Buss at sbuss at ucsd.edu,
with a cc to complexityspb at gmail.com.  Include your name, contact
information, institution, citizenship/residency, desired dates of
attendance, name of your Ph.D. advisor, field of study, expected date of
graduation, and anything else relevant for your application.  Please
also state funding requirements.  Your Ph.D. advisor should send a
short statement supporting your application.

Sam Buss
sbuss at ucsd.edu

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