[Proof Complexity] Workshop on Proof Complexity, Vienna, July 12/13 2014 -- Call for Presentations

Olaf Beyersdorff O.Beyersdorff at leeds.ac.uk
Sun Apr 6 22:04:15 CEST 2014

Dear colleagues,

Please see below the call for presentations of a proof complexity workshop this year in Vienna. Please consider attending and giving a talk on your latest work.

Best wishes
Olaf and Jan

FLoC workshop on proof complexity - Call for Presentations

Vienna, July 12/13 2014

The workshop will be part of the Vienna Summer of Logic and will be affiliated with the conferences SAT'14 and CSL/LICS'14.

=== Important Dates ===

16 May 2014 ........ Abstract submission
2  June 2014 ....... Notification to authors
12-13 July 2014 .... Workshop in Vienna

=== Scope ===

Proof complexity is the study of the complexity of theorem proving procedures. The central question in proof complexity is: given a theorem F (e.g. a propositional tautology) and a proof system P (i.e., a formalism usually comprised of axioms and rules), what is the size of the smallest proof of F in the system P?  Moreover, how difficult is it to construct a small proof? Many ingenious techniques have been developed to try to answer these questions, which bare tight relations to intricate theoretical open problems from computational complexity (such as the celebrated P vs. NP problem), mathematical logic (e.g. separating theories of Bounded Arithmetic) as well as to practical problems in SAT solving.

=== Invited Speakers ===

Albert Atserias (UPC Barcelona)
Jakob Nordstrom (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Pavel Pudlak (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Iddo Tzameret (Tsinghua University)

=== Submissions ===

We welcome 1-2-page abstracts presenting (finished, ongoing, or if clearly stated even recently published) work on proof complexity.
Particular topics of interest are

 *  Proof Complexity
 *  Bounded Arithmetic
 *  Relations to SAT solving
 *  Relations to Computational Complexity

=== Submission Guidelines ===

Abstracts are invited of ongoing, finished, or (if clearly stated) even recently published work on a topic relevant to the workshop. 

The abstracts will appear in electronic pre-proceedings that will be distributed at the meeting.

Abstracts (at most 2 pages, in LNCS style) are to be submitted electronically in PDF via EasyChair


Accepted communications must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors.

=== Program Committee ===

Arnold Beckmann (Swansea University)
Eli Ben-Sasson (Technion, Haifa)
Olaf Beyersdorff (University of Leeds) - chair
Jan Johannsen (LMU Munich) - chair
Massimo Lauria (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)

=== Organizers ===

Olaf Beyersdorff (University of Leeds)
Jan Johannsen (LMU Munich) 

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