[Proof Complexity] CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits. Call for Papers

CiE Conference Series cie.conference.series at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 01:00:45 CET 2013


                   CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits

                           Budapest, Hungary

                          June  23 - 27, 2014



Submission Deadline for LNCS:                   10 January 2014
Notification of authors:                         3 March 2014
Deadline for final revisions:                   31 March 2014

CiE 2014 is the tenth conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe), a 
European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, 
philosophers, physicists and others interested in  new developments in 
computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous 
meetings have taken place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007), 
Athens (2008), Heidelberg (2009), Ponte Dalgada (2010), Sofia (2011), Cambridge 
(2012), and Milan (2013).

The motto of CiE 2014 "Language, Life, Limits" intends to put a special focus 
on  relations  between computational linguistics, natural and biological 
computing, and more traditional fields of computability theory.

This is to be understood in its broadest sense including computational aspects 
of problems in linguistics, studying models of computation and algorithms 
inspired by physical and biological approaches as well as exhibiting limits 
(and non-limits) of computability when considering different models of 
computation arising from such approaches.

As with previous CiE conferences the allover glueing perspective is to 
strengthen the mutual benefits of analyzing traditional and new computational 
paradigms in their corresponding frameworks both with respect to practical 
applications and a deeper theoretical understanding.


Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen)
Peter Grünwald  (CWI, Amsterdam)


Lev Beklemishev           (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
Alessandra Carbone        (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie and CNRS Paris)
Maribel Fernandez         (King's College London)
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz  (University of Calgary)
Eva Tardos                (Cornell University)
Albert Visser             (Utrecht University)


History and Philosophy of Computing   (organizers: Liesbeth de Mol, Giuseppe 
Computational Linguistics             (organizers: Maria Dolores Jiménez-López, 
Gábor Prószéky)
Computability Theory                  (organizers: Karen Lange, Barbara Csima)
Bio-inspired Computation              (organizers: Marian Gheorghe, Florin 
Online Algorithms                     (organizers: Joan Boyar, Csanád Imreh)
Complexity in Automata Theory         (organizers: Markus Lohrey, Giovanni 

CiE 2014 conference topics include, but not exclusively:

        * Admissible sets
        * Algebraic models of computation
        * Algorithms
        * Analog computation
        * Artificial intelligence
        * Automata theory
        * Bioinformatics and Bio-inspired computation
        * Bounded arithmetic
        * Classical computability and degree structures
        * Cognitive science and modelling
        * Complexity classes
        * Computability theoretic aspects of programs
        * Computable analysis and real computation
        * Computable structures and models
        * Computational and proof complexity
        * Computational biology
        * Computational creativity
        * Computational learning and complexity
        * Computational linguistics
        * Concurrency and distributed computation
        * Constructive mathematics
        * Cryptographic complexity
        * Decidability of theories
        * Derandomization
        * DNA computing
        * Domain theory and computability
        * Dynamical systems and computational models
        * Effective descriptive set theory
        * Emerging and non-standard models of computation
        * Finite model theory
        * Formal aspects of program analysis
        * Formal methods
        * Foundations of computer science
        * Games
        * Generalized recursion theory
        * History of computation
        * Hybrid systems
        * Higher type computability
        * Hypercomputational models
        * Infinite time Turing machines
        * Kolmogorov complexity
        * Lambda and combinatory calculi
        * L-systems and membrane computation
        * Machine learning
        * Mathematical models of emergence
        * Membrane computing
        * Molecular computation
        * Morphogenesis and developmental biology
        * Multi-agent systems
        * Natural computation
        * Neural nets and connectionist models
        * Philosophy of science and computation
        * Physics and computability
        * Probabilistic systems
        * Process algebras and concurrent systems
        * Programming language semantics
        * Proof mining and applications
        * Proof theory and computability
        * Proof complexity
        * Quantum computing and complexity
        * Randomness
        * Reducibilities and relative computation
        * Relativistic computation
        * Reverse mathematics
        * Semantics and logic of computation
        * Swarm intelligence and self-organisation
        * Type systems and type theory
        * Uncertain reasoning
        * Weak systems of arithmetic and applications

We particularly welcome submissions in emergent areas, such as bioinformatics 
and natural computation, where they have a basic connection with computability.

Contributed papers will be selected from submissions received by the
PROGRAM COMMITTEE consisting of:

* Gerard Alberts (Amsterdam)          * Sandra Alves (Porto)
* Hajnal Andréka (Budapest)           * Luís Antunes (Porto)
* Arnold Beckmann (Swansea)           * Laurent Bienvenu (Paris)
* Paola Bonizzoni (Milan)             * Olivier Bournez (Palaiseau)
* Vasco Brattka (Munich)              * Bruno Codenotti (Pisa)
* Barry Cooper (Leeds)                * Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú (Budapest, 
* Michael J. Dinneen (Auckland)       * Erich Grädel (Aachen)
* Marie Hicks (Chicago IL)            * Natasha Jonoska (Tampa FL)
* Jarkko Kari (Turku)                 * Elham Kashefi (Edinburgh)
* Viv Kendon (Leeds)                  * Satoshi Kobayashi (Tokyo)
* András Kornai (Budapest)            * Marcus Kracht (Bielefeld)
* Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam & Hamburg) * Klaus Meer (Cottbus, co-chair)
* Joseph R. Mileti (Grinnell IA)      * Georg Moser (Innsbruck)
* Benedek Nagy (Debrecen)             * Sara Negri (Helsinki)
* Thomas Schwentick (Dortmund)        * Neil Thapen (Prague)
* Peter van Emde Boas (Amsterdam)     * Xizhong Zheng (Glenside PA)

The PROGRAMME COMMITTEE cordially invites all researchers (European and 
non-European) in computability related areas to submit their papers (in PDF 
format, max 10 pages using the LNCS style) for presentation at CiE 2014.

The submission site https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cie2014 is 

For submission instructions consult 

We particularly invite papers that build bridges between different parts of the 
research community.

The CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS will be published by LNCS, Springer Verlag.

Contact: Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú       - csuhaj[at]inf.elte.hu
Website: http://cie2014.inf.elte.hu/

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